Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What's the greatest thing in the world?

This question came about the other day. I understand that it’s a pretty loaded question, and that in order to answer it, you really have to understand what kind of person you are and what things are ultimately the most important to you. I had a really hard time answering it. This probably boils down to the fact that I’m utterly indecisive. I’m really awful at picking favorites (with the exception of a few things) and I usually cheat and pick my Top 5.

So, I did what any schooled person would do… I decided to look at my friends’ answers. I started sending emails and asking friends simply “What’s the greatest thing in the world?” I figured everyone else would have an equally hard time answering this question and that I would feel better about my own inability to decide. What I found surprised me…

The very first person I asked gave me one of my favorite answers. I sent her a message that just stated the question, no lead-up, no explanation, just the question. She responded seconds later with Happiness. As simple as that. The more people that responded, the more intrigued I became with how their answers corresponded with their lives and their personalities.

Ask yourself the question, what’s the greatest thing in the world to me, and just pay attention to the kinds of answers that run through your mind. For me, it was all of these little pleasures (cheesecake, laughter, long showers, etc.). But when it came down to picking the big ideas, I got overwhelmed; it starts to feel so definitive.

I also found myself expecting certain answers from certain people. I knew my family would say something about God. I figured a couple of my love-struck friends would mention Love in one way or another. And at the same time, things I had known about certain people or their circumstance were affirmed through the less expected answers they gave me. My friend who is just finishing up law school, commented on the value of a good night’s sleep. :) Another chose “imagination” and was quick to explain that without imagination we are no different from any other species. A recent college grad mentioned how great “experiencing new things” is. Others simply jumped with the first thing that came to their mind, which was surprisingly usually a food item – pizza, chocolate and strawberries all making that list.

So here’s what some of my close friends and family deemed the greatest things in the world:

Experiencing New Things
Real, Honest Laughter
Friends & Family
My Husband
A Good Night’s Sleep, When You’ve Worked Really Hard
The Thing You Want Most In a Moment That You Are Least Able To Obtain
A Warm Sun-Filled Day
The Strawberries I Am Eating Right Now

I should also note that I didn’t really want to publish this blog (which I typed up a little over a week ago), but I’ve been getting grief from all of the people who gave me answers, so this one serves to appease the masses. :)

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