Friday, May 16, 2008

7 Random Things About Me

I'm taking inspiration from Lailah. I guess I'm supposed to choose seven things about myself that most people wouldn't know. I'm resorting to this blog because I'm stuck. In life, I'm stuck - I still don't know where I'm headed or when (Peace Corps), and my blogs are starting to resemble this issue. I thought maybe this fun little post might un-stick me. (Please ignore the bizarre thoughts possibly conjured up of a Post-It just then. Just me? Nevermind.). So... 7 random things that I think most of you won't know about me.

I have a very small family.
My entire extended family (including the spouses and kids of my cousins) is only 22 people. AND all of my grandparents are still living. So, this number has not been reduced by deaths in the family - this is the whole thing. I have five cousins, three aunts, and two uncles. As a result, I find myself wanting more kids than the average person from my generation.

I jumped out of a plane.
This doesn't come up in daily conversations and as a result I guess not too many people know about it. In March of 2005, I had to leave my house to get some studying done in a quiet place. I went for a drive and parked. I saw a whole bunch of parachutes falling from the sky in front of me. I turned the car on and found a skydiving facility down the road. I convinced three friends to come with me and in April of 2005 we jumped. I loved it even though I look like a mentally handicapped individual in my video as we're getting ready to tumble out of the plane - long story.

I grew 7" during high school.
When I entered Sequoia High School I was 5'2". By the summer of my junior year I was 5'9". I had many painful months.

I'm ophidiophobic.
Big time. We're talking, I have to change the channel or cover my eyes when I see a snake on TV. I used to just think I was afraid of snakes like some girls are afraid of spiders (which don't really bother me), but then I had a professor who explained the difference between fear and phobia. He said, imagine there is a snake in a box in the corner of the room, if you are afraid of snakes, you wouldn't go near the box, if you have a phobia, you couldn't be in the same room as the box. I would not be in the same building as the box. Needless to say, I don't understand why anyone would want to see the movie Snakes on a Plane.

On the SATs my Math score was 260 points higher than my Verbal score.
This is only worth mentioning because I graduated from college with a Bachelor's degree in English. I was admitted to UC Davis as an Econ major, and took classes including Statistics and Calculus during my first year at Davis. It wasn't until I took an elective called Creative Writing: Fiction that I officially changed majors. This was after a series of other considered majors including Exercise Biology (I wanted to be a Pediatric Physical Therapist). I haven't taken a math class since that quarter, but there was a time when my math skills were much higher than my English skills, believe it or not.

I screen my calls.
This is true of just about every phone call I receive. I don't think there is a single person whose phone call I have not ignored at least once. It's not because I don't like everyone who calls me, but there are just some times when you don't feel like talking on the phone. And unfortunately I experience these moments more often than the average person. So, I'm sorry in advance because if I have not yet ignored your phone call, I will once during our friendship - it's basically inevitable.

I have to wet my toothbrush before I put toothpaste on it, and then wet it again with the toothpaste.
I know, this is so random but that's the point right? AND I got stuck on number 7. I couldn't think of anything. So, when I brush my teeth I guess I'm really paranoid about making sure the brushing is going to be sudsy so I have to make sure everything is wet. I used to be the same way about washing my hands, wet them, soap in them and then wet again. I've decided that's a waste of water now, but I can't quit the tooth brushing habit.

Now that I read this list over, I'm realizing that the few people who read this blog fairly regularly (my faithful readers as Lailah and I would call them) probably know almost all of these things about me. But for those of you who don't... now you know and surely feel exponentially more enlightened than you were before you stumbled across this post.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

To #7: Normally, you would think that brushing your teeth is a no-brainer, but to you and I, it's apparently a big deal.

You see, I REFUSE to wet my toothbrush before it enters my mouth. Ick. My saliva provides enough moisture for a mouthful of sudsy wonderfulness. I don't want drippage.

I used to think that I was alone in having a quirk with my daily "no water on my toothbrush" routine, but now I see that you are just as weird as me!