Wednesday, June 11, 2008

HIV Negative-Positive

Ever wonder what it's like to live life in the "in-between"? Well, I've been doing it for a few weeks now, in a variety of different ways - the most disturbing of which is my HIV status.

I always thought that HIV was a hit or miss kind of thing? You know, either you have it or you don't... Well, apparently with the Peace Corps it's not that simple. Although I have officially tested "Negative" for HIV, my results have been rejected by the Peace Corps. I started wondering if maybe there was more to this HIV thing?

Since becoming HIV Negative-Positive my outlook on life has changed drastically. I received my rejection notice on May 28th and since then, life has not been the same. I got sunburned, my batting average dropped to 0.333 in Tuesday night's game, I decided to paint my toenails purple, the lovely people of Starbucks have learned my name and my order by heart. All very rare occurences in my life up until my diagnosis.

I visited my doctor on Tuesday, hoping she could provide some comfort. Although, as mentioned in a previous post, she's not exactly the most comforting of doctors. She just told me some depressing story about a patient of hers who gets tested regularly for HIV because he has a thing for prostitutes. He must also be suffering from HIV Negative-Positive, it's the only explanation. :)

My doctor gave me another lab report declaring me HIV Negative, so I can only hope that with evidence of my blood work the Peace Corps will reconsider their initial rejection and I can return to being a regular HIV Negative individual. I think the chances are good...

*On a side note, thanks to Lauren for giving me the idea for this much overdue blog post. Ideas and inspiration are always welcome as I am a regular victim of blogger's block.


Ryan said...

do a blog on the beauty of the double play... or - the triple play we got to see!

sarah said...

Jamie- overdue; not overdo. :)